Want to list your location and join our growing network?

Sign up free to earn up to $2000/mo with Stowfly and get more foot traffic to your store!

Start listing

Extra revenue at no cost
- More profit

Begin earning upwards of $1000 per month. Signing up is free!


Increased Foot Traffic

More traffic means more opportunity to sell your products or service


Items Insured up to $5000
& hassel free operation

We offer a $5,000 insurance for every booking, with easy tracking systems.

How it works

List your location with Stowfly

You can even start with a space for 3 or 4 packages thanks to our capacity management system.

Receive bookings via stowfly.com

Hassle free operation and all bookings made online. We verify customers for your safety!

Get paid monthly

We transfer money to your bank account every month!